Thomas Hastings

My Top 5 Research Tools for Computer Science

January 13, 2019

I've spent the last four years in graduate school and I've learned about some interesting tools for research and wanted to share. Many of these would have come in handy for my undergrad program as well.

  1. Zotero
    Zotero provides an easy way to manage bibliographies and includes easy export for Bibtex. It really is a great research assistant.
  2. Overleaf
    Overleaf is a great tool for working with LaTex. It provides a web based editor for individuals or teams to work on documents. Overleaf also provides export capabilities to GitHub for team collaboration.
  3. GitHub
    GitHub provides Git repositories for team collaboration. Microsoft just announced that GitHub will allow unlimited private repos for free.
  4. Student Developer Pack
    The student developer pack from GitHub provides tons of goodies from companies like Amazon Web Services, Data Dog, Digital Ocean and others.
  5. Google Scholar
    Last but definitely not least… Google Scholar provides great resources for researchers. Everything from research papers to H-index and conference rankings. Google Scholar has it all.